Friday 27 May 2016

Week beginning 23.5.2016

Wow! What a week!
Suffolk Officer PC Jackie Adams came to visit our class this week and talked about Stranger Safety, Safe Stranger and her role in the community. 
The importance of making ourselves visible to others when out and about.


When PC Jackie opened her boot we couldn't believe how many things were in there!

                                         Some important road signs.

This was one of the most exciting moments...getting in the police car.

This of course wasn't the only visit we had this week.. Someone very special came to stay in our classroom....the children came in one morning to find that a fairy door, a note and a sprinkling of fairy dust had mysteriously appeared in the classroom. We read the note and discovered that the Tooth Fairy had planned to stay with us for some time.
 We had a lovely time sharing this excitement with Mummy's and Nanny's when they joined us for Share on Wednesday morning, continuing with the Fairy theme we created these wonderful fairies and fairy doors.

We have even use Fairy toadstools to help us develop our skills in Maths, learning how to count to 100 in tens.

Congratulations to Lacey-May, our Golden Book winner this week.

Have a lovely half term everyone...

Friday 20 May 2016

Week ending 20.5.16

We have had an action packed week to start drawing our Shaun the Sheep topic to a close, before the rapidly approaching half term.

We practised milking our cow...
and we have discovered how easy it is to turn milk / cream into butter...

From this...

To this...
After a lot of shaking.

In Maths this week we have enjoyed lots of practical measuring activities; finding out about height, length, capacity and weight.

We especially enjoyed making our own Swamp soup using a variety of different ingredients, some more disgusting than others.



Measuring our ingredients.

Congratulations to Ryan, our Golden Book winner this week.

Friday 13 May 2016

Week beginning 9.5.16

We made the most of the sunny weather at the beginning of the week and enjoyed a variety of physical activities including making lovely patterns in the air using a streamer ribbon.

Making patterns in the air.

 The mud kitchen has seen many a chefs baking amazing cakes and various meals. Children did a good job at clearing up the mess.

Cleaning the mess after much coking.

Busy building a princess castle.

The end to the week was no different with the weather and we had a fantastic session outside creating our own hopscotch and changing the rules to make our own version of the game.
One foot, two feet, one foot, two feet...

And having a rest.
We have all worked very hard in maths this week and have enjoyed extending our learning on doubling and halving.  The children have also spent lots of time thinking about 'Stranger Danger' and how to keep safe.
Stage two of our clay sheep creations was completed today, they are now painted, watch out for pictures next week as we add the finishing touches.
Well done to Jodie, our Golden Book winner this week.

Friday 6 May 2016

Week Beginning 2nd May 2016

Another fun packed week filled with learning opportunities for all.
Our Farm in the role play area has been very successful and children just love to spend time looking after the animals, collecting eggs and shopping from the farm shop.

We decided it was time for the farmer to make some money by selling some of the lovely sheep wool. We didn't waste anytime and got busy shearing the sheep...have a look...

Busy farmers shearing the sheep.

Children took lots of care shearing the sheep.

'This is a messy job!'
In Maths we have learnt about positional and directional language. We used the BeeBots to investigate how to move them forward, backwards, left and right.

In our English lessons this week we have been looking at the art of non-verbal communication.  The children have learned some basic signs and symbols from both BSL and Makaton.
We then used our own forms of sign and gestures to guide our partner around an assault course, they had to travel over, under, around and through obstacles but we couldn't use our voices to 'say what to do.'
Much fun was had by all and the children worked fantastically.
now the weather appears to be on our side we are taking our learning outside wherever the opportunity allows us too, please remember to send sunhats for the children to wear.
Our Golden Book winner this week was Iris, Well done.