Friday 18 December 2020

Week Beginning 14th December 2020


Can you believe it? It is the end of the term already!!

We have had another busy week learning and having fun and needless to say we are all in need of a restful, well deserved holiday. 
This week we have written a letter to Santa, asking for a toy or two....

Well done! We look forward to hear all about your Christmas presents in the new year!

We have also been very busy looking after Trixie, our class elf. She was very poorly during the week and the doctor suggested we looked after her and keep the noise down.....

Poor Trixie was wearing a mask and slept all day long.

Dr Frost kindly left a note for us to make sure we would look after her and keep the noise down...Shhhhhhh!
The children were very kind and wrote get well cards for her. 
You will be pleased to know she is feeling a lot better now.  Well done children. 

We also received another important letter from a mysterious visitor who had lost a key???  We had to investigate how this may have happened, who it may have been from and where to find it...
It was Greg who spotted the key on our Story chair.

Well done everyone, I think the owner will be very pleased.

We also had our lovely Christmas dinner, thank you to Mrs Kett for feeding us so well.

If you haven't yet seen it, please remember that our Nativity is on our Google Classroom, we are so proud of the children for doing such a good job.  Recording a play without an audience actually there to watch is a difficult task for any actor or actress.

Finally to finish a Covid friendly visit from a very special person...

All that is left to say is have a very Merry Christmas .

Friday 11 December 2020

Week Beginning 7th December 2020

 The No Hands Stand: Can you do it? 

We have challenged ourselves to stand up from sitting on the floor with our legs crossed without using our arms. We thought it was going to be super easy but had to test it out a few times before getting right...

Well done to all in class one for rising to the challenge!

Everyone used a slightly different technique but most got up with no hands on the floor!

This pose helps strengthening our thighs and upper body muscles. 

In English we have learnt the story of Cinderella and wrote about how some of the characters felt in the story.
Some children thought that Cinderella must have felt sad when she was told she was not allowed to go to the Royal Ball...

Of course the pupils thought that the mouse and the horse would have felt like helping the poor girl out:
'The horse will help her pull the carriage along to the palace'.
'The mouse will help Cinderella get the Fairy Godmother'. 

Later in the week we had a fantastic PE session with Mr Sanders using the gym apparatus.  The children all performed fantastically and showed the much needed listening skills to find out how to use all of the different pieces of equipment safely. Well done.

And the came the 'Grande Finale' 
Our Cinderella Pantomine....Oh no it didn't, oh yes it did!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Enjoy looking through your child's books and please remember to bring them back on Monday.
Many thanks


Friday 4 December 2020

Week Beginning 30th November 2020

You will all be pleased to know that our new camera has arrived and it has not stopped snapping photos....
On top of that the count down to Christmas has started...
Following last week's theme about Winter we have created some wintery artwork using different media and techniques. Please take a look at our Zentangle drawings on calming watercolour background:

Our classroom has been decorated for Christmas but most importantly we have a very special visitor in Class One....

She will keep an eye on us and will report back to Santa at the end of the day...she has also taken to sending us notes.

As the week went on we decided to set Trixie up with her own space in the classroom, children have been so busy writing her messages and making her cards and pictures.

In Maths we have continued our work on Subtraction... we started the week using pictures to solve the problems and then moved onto written number sentences and used a selection of manipulatives to help us solve them.

Some of us found the counting bears helpful, others of us preferred to use the Numicon tiles and pegs.

We finished the week with some spectacular problem solving, using their subtraction skills, children had to solve the number sentences and crack the colour code.  They then had to make a paper chain decoration with the colours.
Super maths everyone  !

Have a lovely weekend everyone.