Friday 14 July 2017

Week Beginning 10.7.2017

We had a fantastic time on our trip to Rendlesham forest and loved every minute of it. The weather has been clement for us and the sun kept shining.
Here is what we have been up to....

Explorer at work. Do not disturb!

Safely working out a way down...

Let's build a bonfire and have a BBQ!

A small den for me please...

We can build a path that leads to the BBQ.

I think we are ready to cook.

Just one more log to go on the bonfire...

Finally lunch is served.

And all is calm.

Some keen writer enjoying a scribble in the sand. Well done!

Back in the classroom and our work around the lighthouse keepers lunch continued.  Here we are making banana and strawberry edible lighthouses.

 We also made our very own lighthouses using recycled materials from the junk box, don't they look lovely?

Finally we did some investigating into how the light at the top of the lighthouse actually works.  With a little help from our Year 6 visitor on Friday we all had a turn at making a simple circuit and successfully lit the bulb.

In amongst all of this learning there was also our usual helping of child initiated learning...Well don Shelby for working out how to create you very own hundred square.

What an end to a very busy week.  Well done everyone.

Please can all children please bring a named plastic bag next week in order to be able to take all of their art creations home.

Friday 7 July 2017

Week Beginning 3.7.2017

We have  started our week on a good note with One Life Suffolk discussing how to eat well and hopefully learnt a few healthy tips...

A theatre appeared in our classroom. Children organised the seating area, tickets, puppets, etc and tried very hard to keep the audience quiet...

This week we have also been entertained by the story of the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and have build our own lighthouses.

We also thought about the wrong doings of those naughty seagulls, we talked in character about how and why we shouldn't have stolen Mr Grinlings pack up and decided that the best thing to do was write him a letter of apology, more lovely writing well done everyone.
We also made this fantastic seagull display, needless to say, Fred, Burt and Tom have their eye on that picnic basket again...
Following this we thought it would be a good idea to bake some delicious cheese scones to replace those taken from the basket, yummy.
Friday morning was exciting as we went to visit Mrs Flynn for our transition morning, everyone was very happy when they returned and are looking forward to their forthcoming move.
Finally, we had our last Golden Book assembly of the year this afternoon and it was congratulations to the whole of Class 1 for a fantastic year in Reception.
Have a lovely weekend everyone, don't forget Rendlesham on Monday.