Friday 25 January 2019

Week Beginning 21st Januray 2019

 So, Jack and Jill went up the hill this week....
Image result for jack and jill
We sequenced pictures to retell their story and tried to match them to the correct text.

 We counted many pails of water...

and even baked some cheese straws! Take a look:
'This is pastry' 

'We have to sprinkle it with cheese'
'Roll the pastry with the cheese on top' 
 More gentle rolling
'You have to cut strips out'

'Is this how we cut the straws?'

'Give them a twist'

or two...

and eat.

As all of this was going on indoor....

We notice the rugs of fake grass hanging on the railings were smoking. So we had a good look and talked about what was happening. Some of us thought the rugs were on fire, others suggested it was just smoke coming out of them and in the end we realised that the cold water left on the rugs was being turned into mist by the warm sun (evaporation). A little introduction to the water cycle.

We included some Jack and Jill artwork in our free choice time.
Finally what a week of PE we have had!
Not only did we have the usual session with Mr Sanders where we have been perfecting our balances and rolls to make a sequence but also, we had a visit from Premier Sports.  Nathan our coach taught us the Scarecrow game and the Guardian of the Dragons egg game.
What fun we have had...

Well done everyone.
Well done to Phoebe, our Golden Book winner today for being so much more enthusiastic with her writing.

Friday 18 January 2019

Week Beginning 14.1.2019

Another week has started and another rhyme has unfolded: Hickory Dickory Dock. 
We all sang it and listened to the rhyming words in it. We also thought of more words that would rhyme with 'dock'. Some of us were very keen on this activity an came up with a long list of words: flock, sock, mock, shock....well done.

In maths we talked about time and why it is important to know what the time is. Some of us think it is good to know the time so we can be on time to ballet classes or when we come to school.
We learnt how to tell the o'clock time using analogue clocks.

                            'The big hand has to point to 12, that means o'clock'.

'There is a small and a big hand'.


                      Some of us built a clock outdoor using a hoop and some sticks.

Whilst others thought about turning themselves into mice by adding a long paper tail to their back.

'I''ve made long and  short mice.

After all that hard work we explored some instruments. Children sang Hickory Dickory Dock whilst tapping the beat of the song.

We converted our tower into the clock tower and became mice to run up and down the clock.
Finally we used our knowledge of the clock to think about how this links to ordering numbers... For many this gave us lots to think about because of how the numbers arranged around the clock face.
 Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 11 January 2019

Week Beginning 7th January 2019

Class one have been very busy setting up the classroom for our new topic: Nursery Rhymes.
The benefits of using nursery rhymes and songs in early years are many: exposure to rhymes and patterned language. Learning new vocabulary and rhythm. Use of language in more creative ways. Children are also exposed to cultural traditions.

This week we started off the topic with Humpty Dumpty. We all sang the song, listened to the rhymes and much more.
Our story was based on this well known song.
We loved finding out what happened to Humpty Dumpty after the fall.......Image result for humpty dumpty after the fall
We sat up a challenge to help Humpty Dumpty face his new fear of heights. Children had to build a safe wall for him and here are some clever walls that should keep him safe.

We also carried out an investigation to answer the following questions:
Does an egg always break when it falls?
Does it matter where it falls onto? What happens if it falls onto a soft or hard surface?

In groups we discussed a variety of predictions. Many of us thought that an egg would always break if it fell but we soon found out that it is not always the case....

When Humpty fell on a soft cushion it did not break.
We then wrapped Humpty in a lot of fluff and again it did not break....

We buried it in a bag full of sand and....

it did not crack!
However after a fall wrapped in thin material things started to change...
and more cracks appeared when Humpty fell on the table top and after that on the floor...
Poor Humpty.
Meanwhile children worked on other challenges which involved sounds.
Can you hear the initial sounds? Can you match it to the correct object?


Super work!

In phonics, one of our groups have completed another set of sounds this week, well done.

 There has also been time for many Humpty themed independent challenges too.

Keeping with the egg theme, we boiled our own eggs to make egg mayonnaise to top our crisp breads.  Yummy!
 ''I didn't even know if I liked this and now, I am going to go home and tell my Mummy how to make it so I can have it again''
 ''Um, will there be any more please?''
Finally just look at our lovely miniature Humpty's we have been busy creating.
Congratulations to George, our Golden Book winner this  week for working so hard with all of the challenges set in class this week especially our Humpty themed adding in maths.