Friday 27 September 2019

Week beginning 23.9.19

We have reached the end of another busy week in Class 1.
We have been working hard on our decoding skills, matching the cvc words to the pictures.

We completed the second set our Number Puppies books, learning / revisiting the digits 6-10 and completing various different activities.

We have also been busy doing some lovely writing; creating party lists.

We decided that we needed a change in our Role-Play area, so based on the children's thoughts and interests we know have a Fancy Dress Shop.

Take a look at one of the costumes being modelled so that you know what is available if you come to visit.

Finally, not to be put off by the weather on Friday afternoon, we made the most of the all weather suits we have in class and went out to enjoy the wet.

'Look, get under here and its like a shelter.'

The children have bought home a 'Me Tree' today, our own version of a family tree.  Please spend a few moments filling it in over the weekend if you can to share in class next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 20 September 2019

Week Beginning 16th September 2019

Week 3: Things are moving on fast in Class One!
We are learning new sounds every day and children have been great at remembering the new sounds and their corresponding graphemes (how to write them).
Here are some fine examples of their work.....

Well done!!
Children had the opportunity to practice their new sounds throughout the day.
Some chose to decorate the letters with shiny gems.

and others chose to write letters in a sand tray.

Our 'Transient Art' corner has been popular and children have created some interesting work.
"These are aeroplanes and the rings with the small mosaic tiles are buses"... 

"This is a farm and the flowers are in the pond".

We have been working with numbers too and the Number Puppies stories are helping us learn numbers from 1 to 10 and 2D shapes. 

Children went on a circle shape hunt and look at what they found...

On Wednesday we had our very special visit from Mr S, some of you may have met in in the parent workshop too.  The children were challenged to think about things and then had those thoughts challenged.
Everybody enjoyed interacting and sharing ideas.

Outside; we made the most amazing taxi, with  a variety of different drivers, we managed to do everything from getting the shopping to day trips in London, well done.

Our work in phonics continued through the week and the children were introduced to the concept of combining the new sounds together to make whole words, excellent work everyone.

Outside in the garden, we decided that we needed to sort our plant pots with some autumn bedding plants, children worked cooperatively to fill the pots, plant the flowers and water them in.

finally to finish our first week with the number puppies, the children were challenged to write the digits 0-5 and put the digits in order.

As you can see that concludes a very busy week.
Have a lovely rest this weekend everyone.

Friday 13 September 2019

Week 2....and what a busy one it has been too.

The children seemed very settled and have all formed great friendships with one another.  They all seem to have developed a real understanding of all of the new rules and routines and we are all very pleased with them.  Take a look at some of things that we have been doing...

Outside this week we had a rather interesting visitor...

An Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar.  After having a good look we decided that we should let it go and find somewhere safe to spend the winter and hopefully by spring it will turn into an elephant Hawk Moth.

It was lovely to see such a fantastic turnout at our first Share session this afternoon, thank you to everyone that was able to join us.

We sent home lots of information today, if you have any queries or questions, feel free to catch one of us in the playground and we will be happy to help.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine.

Friday 6 September 2019

Wow! Our first week at Big School...

 We have been very busy counting...

Making lunch in the Home Corner...

 Making birthday cakes with the playdough...


Solving problems...


 Playing in the outdoor area...

And doing our first PE session with Mr Sanders.

Well no wonder everyone is exhausted and ready for their weekend.
the children's behaviour has been fantastic and we have been very proud of how well they havee settled into life in Class 1, well done everyone.

Have a lovely weekend.