Friday 3 December 2021

Week Beginning 29th November 2021

 And with November coming to an end so do the stories of Bear. We have enjoyed reading Bear's adventures and learning about hibernation.

As you all know, the children were asked to bring a teddy to school. 
We had a lovely circle time with all the children and teddies. Each child had the opportunity to introduce their special friend and talk about them.

'My teddy is very special because my Nan got it for me'.

'Sometimes we sleep together'.

'He sleeps with all my other teddies in my bedroom'.

'Her name is Piggy and I just found her in the house'.

'I had her when I was a baby but my hands were too small to hold her'.

'I did some jobs for my mum so I got to choose this teddy from the toy shop'.

'It's a very special teddy'.

 With the change in the weather, Thursday morning there was a definite snowy feel about air...

More super work in Phonics this week again too.

We tried on our costumes today so that everyone could see what we looked this space, there is a wonderful production in store next week.

A big thank you to everyone who has kindly donated items for the PTA, Tombola prizes and jars, your contribution is much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.