Thursday 18 October 2018

Week Beginning 15th October 2018

Wow! Where has time gone? Here we are at the end of our first half of the term.
This week children have been challenged to spell their names using letter tiles. Take a look at this:

Great work everyone!
We have had lots of busy independent children this week, look at this...

Creations in the sandpit, towers, tunnels and much more.
Also lots of maths games, showing that our counting and number recognition skills are really developing.
All children have a little challenge in their reading books for the holiday, good luck, I will look forward to seeing how you get on when we return.
All that is left to say is half a fantastic half term; the children are all worked very hard to settle and have already achieved many things.
I think its fair to share they are all shattered and need their half term to recover from their colds and coughs.
We return to school 29th.
From all of Class 1 Staff.

Friday 12 October 2018

Week beginning 8.10.18

Another busy week involving many different activities.

Sorting objects into their initial sounds.
A number hunt... who knew that numbers were in so many different places?

Gymnastics in our outdoor area.

Shape sorting activities.
Lots of artistic creations on the board.
Maths games, can you guess how many counters are in the jar?

A super Friday afternoon was had by all as we welcomed our friends from Blyth Woods...
we all had a fantastic time collecting acorns and planting them in our tree nursery.
Thanks to all parents and grandparents who were able to come along and join us.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Remember, we break up on Thursday next week for half term.#
We also had a visit from the Beccles and Bungay photographer this week, the children will appear in the forthcoming 'first class' supplement.  We will let you know when this is out when we are notified.

Friday 5 October 2018

Week Beginning 1.10.2018

Another busy week in Class one. We have learnt more sounds and are getting very good at using white boards and pens. Take a look at some of our letter formation....

 Great effort everyone!

We have also officially started to work towards The Daily Mile. You might have heard of it, it is a relatively recent initiative that aims at improving children's health and quality of life.
children are encouraged to walk, jog or run for about 15 minutes every day. Here is our first attempt...

We are all looking forwards to our next jog.

Another new start this week and that was the arrival of some Class 4 members to share stories with us.  Each of Class 1 were paired up with a Class 4 member and found some time and somewhere comfy to share a book.


 Our children loved it and cannot wait until Class 4 return.
We have had lots of child initiated independent learning this week as the children are now feeling more comfortable in their surroundings.
 Lots of physical development; balancing, jumping and travelling in different ways.
Music and dance
 And applying our newly found knowledge of sounds to our independent learning.
You should have received a letter about our woodland share next Friday.  Some of you have already returned the slip.  If you have any further questions do come and ask. We hope to see lots of you there.
We had our first Golden Book assembly today... Congratulations to Freya our first Class 1 winner.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.