Friday 26 November 2021

Week Beginning 22th November 2021

 ...And Bear finds a new friend!

A lovely story about friendship and feeling shy when meeting someone new.
We talked about how sometimes some of us feel like Owl when meeting new people.
We also thought of words that describe friendship and as well as discussing the importances of having special people around us.Here are some of the thoughts from Class 1:

'Friends are kind'
'Friends play together'.
'Friends look after each other'
Friends are caring and give cuddles'.

In Maths we looked at different ways of making number 4. 
We used counters to begin with to help us think about different arrangements for it. 

We also spent time investigating magnets and what 'sticks' to a magnet and what doesn't.
We sorted objects into Magnetic and Non-Magnetic materials.

We had our very first taste of Nature Play today, outside with our friends from Butterflies of Britain.  Despite the cold and wet, the children had a wonderful session...

As you can see we managed to find enough weather suits for everyone in class (albeit the fit was a little inventive in some cases) to put over their clothes to help keep warm and dry... these sessions will happen whatever the weather so puddle suits, or waterproof trousers maybe a great addition to any Christmas list ready for the start of the regular weekly sessions starting in January.

Please remember play costumes need to be in school by next Friday, please come and see us on the gate if you are having any problems with what you need or getting hold of it, we have some bits and pieces in school that we may be able to help with.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Friday 19 November 2021

Week Beginning 15th November 21

 It's a new week with a new story....this time Bear is scared!

In class we talked about feeling scared and safe. Many of us are scared of the dark and feel safe with our grown ups and friends. 

Some of us built a safe house to live in using wooden blocks.

As the days are getting shorter and colder we shared ideas on how to keep warm during the winter months. Can you guess what was suggested?

In Maths we continue to sort and order objects and fond different representations of them.

Coughs and colds are doing the rounds again but the children are aware of the need to look after their friends, look at this lovely Get Well Soon card...

Keeping on the cold theme of a different nature, we have been talking about what animals do in the Winter to keep warm.  There are various things but for this investigation we looked at 'fat'
By coating our fingers with fat, we were able to find out that it makes a very good insulator when submerged in an ice bath, compared to our fingers without the fat.

Your child will have bought home important information this evening about the Christmas Trip, the Christmas Play and our Bring your own bear day, any queries please ask.
A busy end to another busy week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 12 November 2021

Week Beginning 8th November 21


Bear Feels Ill has been a good talking point about feeling poorly, germs but also friendship and kindness.
The children have enjoyed talking about who look after them when they are not well and had a go at writing it too. well done.

We have all made the most of bear's cave in the classroom and cooked delicious meals for each other. 

Feeling ill is not nice and given the current situation in the world we took this opportunity to discuss germs, how they spread and how to keep them away....

Glitter Germs
Germs are very small, so small that we can see them with our we sprinkled glitter germs on one after that hand and rubbed our hands together. We were all surprised to see how easy it was for germs to spread to the other hand!

After an informative discussion we decided the best thing to do to get rid of the germs would be to wash them off with water and soap.


We continue to work hard with our writing  in class 1 during both independent and adult led activities.

In Maths, thinking about the numbers 1,2,3, we then linked this to shapes, cirles, semi circles and triangles as we couldn't help but notice that the numbers correspond to the number of sides on the shapes.

We spent valuable time on Thursday thinking about Poppy Day, what it is and why it is so important, the children then worked on their cutting skills to make their own poppies.

We even did some Poppy art work.

We had a go at hot seating today, taking it in turns to be the Bear, who was poorly in his cave, we (the other woodland animals) had to see what we could do to make him better.

The end of another busy week, have a good weekend everyone.

Friday 5 November 2021

 Welcome back, we hope that you have had a lovely half term break?  The children all certainly seem keen to be back in class.

Our new topic this term is Snuggle up for Winter, which we have started this week looking at our book Toad's Road Code.

Toad has been teaching us how to cross the road safely and we have spent time noticing the changes in daylight hours, following the clocks changing at the weekend.

Is it safe to cross?

In phonics we have continued to develop our skills... look at our lovely writing.

Maths and we have continued to 'cememt' our knowledge of numbers 1,2 and 3.

We had a wonderful afternoon this afternoon with our friends from Blyth Woods...

Acorn collecting, filling our treasure boxes, colour matching, planting and much more.  Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions we were unable to invite you but here are some pictures to share...

Have a lovely weekend everyone.