Friday 28 February 2020

A busy first week back and a conclusion to the Dinosaur part of our topic.

The week started with a Volcanic eruption in Class 1...

Watch out for the Lava.

After that we thought we had better recharge with some Pancakes, as we had returned on Shrove Tuesday.

We enjoyed writing Dinosaur facts about our own imaginary Dinosaur's as well as reading a Dinosaur fact book in our whole class reading sessions.

We have had some Dinosaur themed independent challenges.

As well as creating an amazing Pop Art style Dinosaur picture.

Outside we have just enjoyed as much time as possible when it hasn't been either raining or snowing.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 14 February 2020

Week Beginning 10th February 2020

So our last week of term(!) has been one of the busiest! We have introduced a new story to our children: Bumpus, Jumpus, Dinosaurumpus! This book gave us the perfect excuse to find out more about dinosaurs. Children wrote fact files about their favourite dinosaur. It is amazing what our little people could tell us about some of the prehistoric creatures.

"Stegosaurus were plant eaters and that means they were herbivorous'.
"T-rex was a meat eater".
"Dinosaurs disappeared because of the volcanoes".
 Take a look at our paleontologists digging out their very own fossils...

They used brushes, wooden sticks, screwdrivers and big tweezers to dig out the mystery object from inside the eggs we made last week.
Children were fascinated by the marks on the inside of the egg.

We spent time talking about Valentine's Day and made some lovely shortbread biscuits to take home to special people in our lives.

We linked the 'Love' theme to maths with some heart counting puzzles..

 and used our gross and fine motor skills to thread through dome hearts.

We have loved learning and playing traditional board games this week, especially Ludo.

In other parts, our work with the Dinosaurs has well and truly continued...

Out on the playing field we went to take a closer look at just HOW BIG these creatures were.

 'Whoa, that is long!'

We discovered that if you were THIS tall, seeing your own feet would be a tricky job!'

Finally we took the time to create our own 'Dinosaur Poo'

Not everyone felt that they wanted to join in, but those that did had a lot of fun.

Finally to finish an incredibly busy half term, we went out for a walk with our friends from Class 2 to look for signs of Spring and just enjoy our wonderful surroundings.

Have a wonderful half term everyone, the children have well and truly earned it.
We are very proud of how they have all progressed as we reach the half way point in the academic year.

Friday 7 February 2020

Week beginning 3rd February

We have spent our second week looking at Julia Donaldson's Cave Baby.  The children have become very familiar with the story and all of the different animals in the text.
Given this familiarity we attempted out first story map and written retell and goodness, what a fantastic effort from everyone.

In phonics, half of us have been learning new sounds again this week and the rest have been really concentrating on listening and writing every sound that we can hear in the words.

Outside, despite the cold we have been blessed with some sunshine at last and everyone has enjoyed a variety of different activities and not just those who like to brave the cold.

Our measuring activities have continued in Maths and we are all able to weigh things to find out how heavy they are or measure how long or tall things are. 

Some of us even did this independently on the computer.

To conclude our measuring this week we used pipettes, spoons and cups to measure and create our very own potions.

Our whole class reading sessions are really working well now, allowing the children to practise and apply their reading skills daily and read whole texts.

Congratulations to Eliza our Golden Book winner today for super independent writing.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you next week.