Friday 26 May 2017

Week beginning 22.5.2017

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week in Reception we have been learning about the traditional tale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. The children loved joining in with this story, especially the part where one of the goats crossed the bridge...TRIP, TRAP, TRIP, TRAP!
Our story chair made it all very special  when we listened to the tale of the three Billy goats. Everyone sat quietly on the toadstool and enjoyed the story.

Our garden is looking very pretty at the moment so we have looked closely at these Iris' and made some great paintings of them.

 The sun has been warm and we have tried hard to keep busy throughout the week, although it is very tiring so near to the holiday.
 Decoding real words and nonsense words and sorting into the treasure chest or the rubbish bin.
 Independent writing in phonics, using the 'ey' words, (One or of our sounds of the week.)
 Sorting the Billy Goats according to their size, one of our independent maths challenges this week.
Congratulations to Taeyn; our Golden Book winner today, for super PE with Mr Knights this week.
Have a fantastic half term everyone and enjoy the sunshine.

Friday 19 May 2017

Week beginning 15.5.2017

"Run, run as fast as you can I'm the Gingerbread man!!"
Can you guess what story we have read this week?
Here are some of the things we have been busy doing...
Lovely Gingerbread Man

Mixing materials to create special effects...

'Can you take a picture of my cottage and put it on the blog?'

Here we come... the gingerbread crew.

Of course we had to have a go at baking some gingerbread biscuits

Ingredients, ready.

Given the lovely weather we spent time outside recapping on what it means to double a number and working out the answers using our fingers.
what's double 8?
We have enjoyed some visits from Year 1's this week while the Year 2's have been busy so we decided to try out something new...Our first 'P4C' (philosophy for children) session. 
We started with a question....
 The children discussed this briefly in pairs and generated their own lists.

We then put this to the vote, (with our backs turned so that we couldn't see what our friends had chosen.)
The Fox was the chosen suspect.

''I agree the fox is the baddy, because he ate the Gingerbreadman!''

''I disagree with you, because I think the fox tossed the Gingerbread up in the air to get him to the other side of the riverbank.''

We then concluded the session with a simple agreement or disagreement. Yes I agree he was the baddy, or No I disagree he was not the baddy.
Wow! What a fantastic session, so many thoughts and answers, we are all enthusiastic about our next session.

Congratulations to Shelby; our Golden Book winner, for being so much more independent with your writing in class.

Friday 12 May 2017

Week Beginning 8.5.2017

Our traditional story this week was Little Red Riding Hood. The children have enjoyed impersonating some of the characters and answered questions from the audience during our 'Hot Seating' session.

We looked carefully at a detailed picture of a wolf and tried our best to produce our own version of a wolf. Take a look:
Lots of lines...and what pointy ears he has...
Artists at work.

Some of us added a moon and some stars to complete the picture.

Are those shades he is wearing?

The wolf is in the wood and he is howling at the moon...

Some of us have been practising our cutting skills and have made these Red Riding Hood puppets.

More sunshine this week...

Enjoying the small world area.
Hunting for bugs.

In maths we have used our adding skills to collect items from Granny's basket and work out the total.  This has been helping us to understand how to partition numbers into 10s and 1s too.


We have finished another two lovely wall displays, with our Big Write from last week

and a wolf themed board with a mixture of independent artwork and more lovely writing. 

Finally we finished a very busy week with a baking session, we filled Granny's basket with these delicious sultana buns...

Unfortunately, they didn't make it to Granny because we tucked in and enjoyed them together.  Poor Granny!

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Remember the Friends of Wenhaston have stalls at the Soapbox races on Sunday at The Star, hopefully some of you will make it.


Friday 5 May 2017

Week Beginning 1.5.2017

Class 1 had a lovely time working on last weeks story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Children worked with their friends on freeze framing parts of the story...
 Jack is climbing up the beanstalk.
 Mum is not happy about the magic beans and throws them away. A beanstalk grows and Jack climbs up it.
 Jack is selling his cow .

Threading the Giant's harp was one of our independent challenges.

We used the shakers made last week to play alongside some well known classical music (The Carmen Overture by Bizet) and experimented with tempo and intensity.

We have been busy in maths using Jacks magic beans to help us learn to count in twos.
Towards the end of the week it was nice to see everybody so busy out in the sunshine again in our outdoor area, a novelty not to have to be wrapped up in our coats.

Finally what a busy end to the week we have had.  We finished our work on Jack and the beanstalk by retelling the story in our own words.  What a lot of independent writing, well done everyone.
We also created these wonderful beanstalk collages, the children marbled the paper, painted and cut their own beanstalks and add leaves and glitter to finish them off. Super!
Congratulations to Logan, our Golden book winner today for working so hard in maths to count in 2's and 10's.