Tuesday 19 December 2017

Week Beginning 18.12.2017

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... and Happy New Year
to you all form Class 1 !!

We have had a fantastic busy term filled with lots of learning and fun. Well done everybody!
To finish the term in good spirit we went on a walk to the common ....

It was very cold when we were out and about so when we got back to school we warmed up with a lovely hot chocolate.

Thank you to Mrs Kett for cooking a scrumptious traditional Christmas dinner to all the children at  Wenhaston Primary.
To end the day.... the week.... and the term, we had a rather special visitor in....
                      Santa came to wish us a Merry Christmas and gave all the children a present.
Thank you Santa and Mrs Elf.  
Dates to remember:
Children will back to school on Thursday 4th January 2018
Once again Merry Christmas!!


Friday 15 December 2017

Week Beginning 11.12.2017

What a magnificent week! Class one and most probably the rest of the school have welcomed the snow and frost.

Have a look at our very own Winter Wonderland...
Looking at footprints in the snow...
"I like the snow, it's very wet and cold".


Busy exploring ice and working out how to break it.
"Can you take a picture of my piece of ice?"

"Look we have made some sandcastles....I mean snow castles!"

We have added a bit of magic at the end of a school day by watching a Christmas favourite....
The Snowman.

 A few Christmas crafts towards the end of the week, making lovely cards to take home and then EVERYTHING was about our performances on Thursday.
The children behaved like professionals and performed their play to a packed audience both times.
Well done to you all.
You should feel proud of yourselves as I'm sure all of your teachers and family do.
Congratulations to everyone who made it into the Golden Book today for your super performances and to Georgie for being a super market trader.

Friday 8 December 2017

Week Beginning 4.12.2017

Everybody meet Ginger, Santa's little helper. He arrived on Tuesday morning via special delivery.


Unfortunately by Tuesday a disaster had happened and Ginger had been captured by the naughty dinosaurs.  The children enjoyed writing notes to the dinosaurs to try and free Ginger.

Baking this week and we enjoyed making our own mini Victoria sponges, yummy.

Much of the rest of the week was taken up with our play in preparation for next weeks performances.  Children have been involved in painting the scenery and have made a fantastic job.

We also tried on all of costumes today so that we could see how it was all looking.  A final run through before the dress rehearsal next week and everything is looking good.

Unfortunately we have decided not to post any of the back stage pictures as we do not want to spoil the surprise for next week 😊

Have a lovely weekend and remember, Share is next Wednesday morning and the Play is on Thursday afternoon.

Friday 1 December 2017

Week Beginning 27.11.2017

It has been another fun packed week in Class One! We have been learning about ordering events and measuring weight.
We spent time making jam sandwich which helped us think about how to order instructions when we make things...

We then continued this work with weighing different items.  Finding out how many bears each item weighs.
In phonics this week we have been learning more of our next set of sounds, this week we have met  ai, ee, or, and oo.
 We have been using these to write words and sentences.

We have started to turn our classroom into a Christmas Wonderland.
''Look Miss Welby its Baa Baa Bethlehem'
 A busy Santa waiting for his sleigh to be filled with presents but he cannot find those reindeer anywhere!
Well done to everyone at the church today when we visited for our Christingle service.  You sat and listened so well.
Have a lovely weekend everybody.

Friday 24 November 2017

Week Beginning 20.11.2017

So evil 'Shredder' has been up to no good as we suspected last week...
Class One received a letter form Shredder saying that all four of the Ninja Turtles had been taken hostage by him and there were never to be seen again!

                                                      Oh noooo! Donnie is in trouble!

Of course children didn't like to know that their favourite superheroes were in trouble so they set off on a quest to free the poor Ninjas...

                                                             "We can save them!"

In PE we have learnt a new parachute game called 'The Cat and The Mouse'. The mouse crawls under the parachute whilst the cat crawls on top trying to find and catch the mouse. The children help the mouse by shaking the parachute so the cat can't see where the mouse might be hiding....

Meet Robi the Robot, our phonics friend. He can only speak in sounds and eat words. One child sounded out the words to him and fed them through his mouth. Another child read the words coming through the mouth.

More PE this week and we got to use all our balancing skills we have been developing at different heights as Mr Knights got all of the apparatus out, including the wall bars.
Great skills everyone well done.
Finally we concluded our work on turtles by making and sampling their favourite food...Pizza!!!
Have a lovely weekend everybody.

Friday 17 November 2017

Week Beginning 13.11.2017

What an eventful week. This week we have continued to follow the children's interests on the Ninja Turtles and sea turtles theme and have consolidated lots of new learning. Some children really enjoyed dressing up as Donnie, Mickey, Leo and Raph; there were many creative ideas buzzing in the classroom that kept everybody busy, excited and focused.
Just watch this space as evil Shredder might be up to no good...........

Well done to Martha for persevering in this task which involved measuring and ordering the turtles.

Independent art work for our classroom is on its way. "Turtles have a shell and it's hard".

'Hands on' on the sounds we have learnt so far.

 Weaving the turtles.

A busy Ninja trying to catch the baddies on his truck.

Happy birthday to R and thank you for sharing CLYDE the caterpillar with us.

Busy Turtles writing birthday cards for R.....
"I'm going to draw a heart and write Happy Birthday"

Our cookery session this week involved cutting and shaping fruit into turtles.

Can you see what we have used?

Turtles of the not so edible kind too.

Even our maths sessions have involved turtles, building 3D models and 2D pictures.

In phonics this week, we have been practising writing lots of words.
We are now well and truly ready to move onto our next set of sounds next week.

Mr Knights PE session this week and the children showed us what fantastic gymnasts they all are.


Finally, what a way to end the week our Countryside Ramble for Pudsey and our playground appeal, followed by tea and cake in the hall.  What a fantastic afternoon.
Thank you to everyone who baked and supported us it was VERY much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.