Friday 25 March 2022

Week Beginning 21st March 2022

 We have been blessed with fantastic weather this week which has been enjoyed by everyone!

We are still working on 'The Tiger Who Came for Tea' and had lots of fun playing the game "I went to a party and ate..." where children had to try and remember  each item of food suggested by their friends with each turn. We helped ourselves with our pretend food....                                                                     

 Take a look at our dressed up characters in the home corner: 

Cool grandad

                                                      more cool grandad...
                                                      Farmer lady with shades....
                                                      Secret cool girl!

We have been working hard in maths ordering numbers from zero to ten.

Both inside and out...

In our Nature Schools session today we enjoyed a 'Superworm' session! Starting with the book (which is one of everyone's favourites)  We then went on a worm hunt to see if we could find Superworm himself!

Well done Bradley, for finding him.

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who was able to come to our SHARE session on Thursday, it was so lovely to finally have visitors back in class and it was obvious how much the children enjoyed it too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 18 March 2022

Week Beginning 14th March 2022

So, this week a Tiger Came to Tea.....another classic story from the past. We spent time looking at the pictures of the their home and the language used in the text by the author.
We discussed how back then most people had their milk delivered by the milkman, in glass bottles. 
We never heard of the grocer boy before but children talked about how their grown ups order food online and get it delivered at home. 

We wrote a shopping list for Sophie's mum as the cheeky tiger ate all the food in the house....!

In phonics this week we have been writing our own I can sentences... take a look.

Over the week we have completed a variety of independently challenges such as this one, where we sequenced the story pictures.
In Maths this week we have been working on our 5's Frames again, thinking about whether they are full or not full.  Most of us are now secure in 'just knowing' values 1-5 by looking without needing to count.
We then looked at numbers beyond 5 and discovered that for this we need to add an additional 5's Frame. 
We can then compose numbers 6-10 by using 'a full five and a bit'

Your child should have a share letter in their bags today, hopefully you will be able to join us next Thursday.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend everyone.


Friday 11 March 2022

Week Beginning 7th March 2022

For those of you feeling nostalgic about the past times, Peepo! is a must read. Acorn class have enjoyed this story and looking through the pictures comparing family life from a long time ago to that one of the modern days. 

We had fun making porridge and most children enjoyed it and topped it with fresh fruit.  

We have introduced an afternoon of activities that aim to develop the children's fine and gross motor skills. 
Can you balance the marble on the towers? Can you pick the marbles with tweezers?
Can you fill the top of the Duplo tiles with water using pipettes?

Can you cut following the patterns?

Can you walk and balance on your heels?

Can you walk and balance on your tip-toes?

Elsewhere we have been busy with our Phonics as usual.

In Maths, we have been measuring and one of our independent challenges was to build play dough snakes the same length as different brick towers.

Friday and we were back in the Woods with Steve... today we were looking at different leaves and flowers, but also found some treasures that are definitely best just looked at rather being touched.

Finally, following on from our book, we started to talk about the kinds of toys that the children played with, many of them were very different to what we have, so we set to work designing and making our own peg dolls, brilliant job everyone.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday 4 March 2022

 A new half term and a new topic...Step back in time.

We have had a great first week back in Acorn's class and the children have been very busy, indoors and out.

Steve joined us for another jam packed session, this week how to use tools safely.  The children were all brilliant and surprised us all with their carpentry skills.

World Book Day happened in the middle of the week, what a great selection of costumes.  We made it our priority that day to just, STOP, take time and share our favourite books with our friends.

We dusted off our whiteboards and pens after the holidays and set to work on a new set of 'tricky words'

We also took time at the beginning of the week to make our very own delicious Pancakes.

As you can see, everyone deserves a restful weekend.

Have a good one everybody.