Friday 28 April 2017

Week Beginning 24.4.2017

In Class 1 we have read the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We enjoyed retelling the plot by acting out what happened to Jack in the story.

We had a rather thirsty giant in the classroom demanding a giant cup of water. Children had to work out how many small cups they needed to fill the giant cup making sure they wouldn't overflow it...


We have also been finding out what it is like to walk like a giant, with these enormous feet.

'That's making me tired!'

Several of us have enjoyed playing our beanstalk game, where we have to race to the top and see who can collect the most gems along the way.

In maths we have had loads of fun measuring beanstalks and improving our ruler skills.

Finally we have made our own bean shakers ready for a musical creation next week, watch this space.

Congratulations to Eleanor, our Golden Book winner this week for always being so enthusiastic with our independent challenges.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember that its bank holiday Monday so we will see you TUESDAY.

Friday 21 April 2017

A busy three days to start the Summer Term.

We have all worked hard to help create a topic themed learning environment to suit our summer theme... Fairy Stories.

We have also been busy in our outdoor area setting up our fairy garden
What a lot we have achieved in a short space of time.
Well done everyone and thank you for your help.