Friday 29 April 2016

Another week on...

Another busy week has been had by all in Class 1.

We started the week transforming our role-play area so that we now have our very own farm.  This includes a variety of animals for the children to look after and a farm shop where they can buy produce.  The children are enjoying this very much.

Some of our boys worked together as a fantastic team to build an enormous tower.  Mrs Webb was amazed by their problem solving and reasoning skills as to how they could get the tower to a height much taller than any of them.

The children have been working hard over the last two weeks to create their own pom-pom Shaun's and have made such a fantastic job of this that we now have our own flock on display in class.

Shaun, looking for his friends...

We finished our week with some baking, creating these wonderful cupcakes.
Star bakers

Well done to James, our Golden Book winner this week for working so hard with your reading.

Have a fantastic weekend and remember it's bank holiday so we'll see you all on Tuesday.

Friday 22 April 2016

Week beginning 18th April

What an exciting week again in Class 1!

Shaun the Sheep...a funny character!
Our Cinema Day was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Children were given tickets with allocated seats and made the most of the pop up shop for snacks and refreshments.
Children made a trip to the classroom's Bank to get money to pay for their snacks.
Counting pennies to buy popcorn.

'5p and 1p makes 6p. I can buy popcorn now!'
It was interesting to listen to the children share their favourite part of the movie with their friends. A big well done to everyone for planning and doing great writing about the movie.

Friday 15 April 2016

First week back...

What a busy first week back we have all had... We have started our new topic (Topic letters will be coming home next week to inform you) The children have already been RSPCA inspectors, checking on the health and well being of Miss Welby's horses and chickens.  On returning to school they then produced some lovely pieces of written work-well done.
The chickens enjoying their food and water in the sunshine.
We have had some lovely weather and the children have been enjoying some new developments in our outdoor area, including, a new water run, a small world area and a mud area.
Mud pies for all

The children have been preparing for their cinema day on Monday, where they will be watching the movie their learning will be based around for the next few weeks.
Can you guess the film?