Friday 8 April 2022

Week Beginning Monday 4th April 2022


Here we are on our last week of term! Where has the time gone???

We have spent the last days of term learning about the Easter story and we discussed how it makes us feel. Some of us felt sad to know Jesus died on the cross whilst others were delighted to know that he came back to life three days after he died. Some of us felt both sad and happy.

We had a go at writing our feelings: 

'Is Easter a sad or happy time?'

'I think it is a happy time because it is my mum's birthday'. Good to focus on the positives!

'I think is both'.

'I think it is both'.

'Sad' :(

'It is happy.' :)

We had some wonderful independent writing continue throughout the week.

Then came the last day of term.... A fantastic session with Steve, back round the fire pit, followed by Egg Rolling on the common before joining together to say farewell to Mrs Kett.

Have a wonderful Easter Break everyone and a well earned rest.

Friday 1 April 2022

 A new week and another new text.

This time we have been thinking about how important our Grandparents are in our families and about all of the wonderful things that we do with them.

We have made our own art inspired by the layout of the front cover.

We then started to think about the magic rock in the story that Grandpa used to make the little boy think about all of the wonderful things that are all around us.

We had a go at making our own magic stones.

We even wrote about what would happen if a magic stone could open in front of us, where would it take you? what would you do?

In Maths this week we continue to work with our 'Tens Frames'
Below, we were looking at the bit we had and the bit we needed to make it full.
We are getting so good at recognising these patterns now.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, let's hope that the sunshine's.