Friday 11 February 2022

 Row, row row your boat...

Another week another rhyme and this week we have been busy with our Nursery Rhyme but also spent lots of time talking about our Mental Health too.  

We spent a circle time considering what we mean by self-care.The children were very good at coming up with things that they can easily do now to look after themselves, from exercising, eating a good diet, talking to people, brushing our teeth, keeping clean and much more.

Nature schools and I think i'd be right in saying it was our favourite session yet.  We found out how to stay safe in the fire circle and safely use the fire pit to toast some yummy marshmallows.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 4 February 2022

 London Bridge is falling down...

This was our theme of our learning this week.  

We have been busy building bridges, finding out about London (Our Capital city) and how it is different to the places we live.

We even had a go at building a few of our own famous landmarks...

We have also created some lovely art work.

Elsewhere Phonics continues as always

Maths; we have been looking at the 'composition' of bigger numbers this week.

'6? that's a 5 and a 1'

Finally, a very wet Nature schools this morning.

Good job we were able to build a shelter to get out of the rain.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.