Friday 25 May 2018

Week Beggining 21.5.2018

Goodbye Little Red Hen and welcome to Class 1 Mr Gingerbread man.

Once again a familiar story well known by most children who shared their thoughts about the characters and how they behaved.
Whilst reading the story we discussed the meaning of some unfamiliar words like 'sly' and used picture and surrounding words to decode the meaning of the new word.

In PE we played Parachute Ride:  children took it in turns to sit on the centre of the parachute and chose their favourite ride. They could choose what ride they wanted to take:  motorcycle, boat, car, bus, taxi, bike, etc.  We then acted out each part:  putting on the helmet, a seatbelt, or a life jacket, turning the keys of the ignition, etc. Children and adult pulled and span the parachute in different ways (wavy bumpy sea....).

'I would like a ride on a motorbike and I've already put my helmet on!'

We have been thinking about shapes and their properties in Maths this week and have completed som tricky problem solving tasks, such as this Giant Gingerbread man puzzle...

PE with Mr Knights this week and we concluded all of our work on throwing and catching and fielding.  Finishing with a crazy golf style throwing game and a game of kick rounders.

Inside we have enjoyed some quiet time and time out of the sun using the Hama beads, just look at this teenage mutant hero turtle.
To finish the week we have been busy creating play dough Gingerbread Men.
The children have worked very hard this term and all deserve a well earned rest.  Well done everyone.
We have put a couple of extra reading books in bags if you wish to do some extra reading.
You could also help the children consolidate their newly learned skills to count aloud in 10's from 0-100 and in 2's from 0-20.
Have a fantastic half term everyone...
From Mrs Storer, Miss Welby, Mrs Webb and Mrs Cox.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Week Beginning 14.5.2018

Here comes The Little Red Hen.
Most children were alredy familiar with the story and had lots to say about the lazy rat, dog and cat...

A handprint of the little red hen.
 In PE we carried on with traditional games and enjoyed a fun filled session of Piggy in the Middle and Stuck in the Mud.

'Arms up, get ready, throw!!'

'Jump high!'
In phonics we have been learning split diagraphs and here is a word building activity: i-e as in like.

Outside this week we have had some rather spectacular visitors to our bug hotel, we saved this from being run over by the children and watched it for a while...
 We could see lots of details using our magnifying glasses, then we noticed its wings starting to open, it climbed up onto the top of a pine cone and whoosh, off it went.
To continue our work on The Little Red Hen this week we introduced the children to P4C (Philosophy for Children)
Given the choice of two questions, the children first vote to pick the one they wish to discuss, this is decided by the majority and then discussions start.
 This was the winning question for discussion.

'I agree, she should have eaten all of the bread as she had to make it all by herself.'

'Well I disagree because she eats all of the bread she will get a fat tummy, so she should share.'

 Boris the spider was our speaking object which is passed round while the children speak, this way only one person is talking at any one time.
Finally we return to our original question and vote again, following the discussions have people changed their minds? or they have stayed the same?
Our conclusion; 5 of us thought that YES she should have eaten the bread all by herself.
Finally we couldn't finish our learning on the Little Red Hen until we had created our own yummy bread rolls to take home for tea.
Thanks to Mrs Kett for cooking them for us.
Congratulations to Draedyn, our Golden Book winner today for being so busy in class everyday and for being a kind and caring friend.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 11 May 2018

Despite the fact that it has been a shorter week than usual we have still managed to fit plenty in.

Lots of independent writing during our phonics sessions and those 'tricky words' are finally becoming less tricky.

Outside in the sunshine we had to check how are beans were growing after not being looked after for three days over the weekend.  They are really growing quickly now so we filled in the next instalment of our bean diary.

We have a forthcoming fundraiser coming up with the WI so we had a walk out to deliver leaflets around the village to let everyone know that they are welcome.

Children should have all bought their own leaflets home this week with the information you need.
 Some of the crossings were very busy so we wasted no time remembering our road code making sure that everyone crossed safely and sensibly.
 Hmm, I wonder who lives here?  Will they come to the tea party?

Miss Welby and Mrs Webb along with a helping hand from Mr Knights have been busy in the outdoor area and our stage area is now beginning to take shape nicely.  We just need to add an edge to finish it off.
Watch this space...
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Week Beginnig 30th April 2018

We have begun our week reading another traditional story: The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
The children have loved listening to the story and some different versions of it. We spent time talking about the characters, what they look like, how they behave etc. and have been writing “Wow” words to describe them in our writing.
Related image

In PE we played a new game: The Three Billy Goats Gruff...hmmm I wonder why...?
A child had to pretend to be the troll (wearing a high visibility jacket). Small, medium and large mats were scattered around the hall and served as safe islands for all the goats. The Billy goats were not allowed to spend more than 5 seconds on the safe islands and had to run around the area trying to avoid the hungry troll...

A frantic PE session but enjoyed by all.

Some of us took up the challenge of building a safe bridge for the three Billy goats in our tuff spot.

'We need steps for the goats to get on the bridge'.
'This bridge needs steps too'

Three happy goats.
But wait they could fall off the sides!!
No problema, safety sides added onto the bridge to keep our friends super safe. Great job!
At some point during the week children got very excited as they found FAIRY DUST.
They all reassured us it is from the good fairies and once rubbed on our hands you should be able to fly.

As you can see lots of children in class one are keen to fly. Some suggested they might even fly to Peppa Pig World. Where would you go, we wonder??

Phonics and Group 2 children have been working hard on their assessment this week.

Tricky words? Not too tricky for us!
A bit of drama later in the week showed that the children have taken on board the plot of the story and are well and truly able to share this with an audience.

'Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?'  roared the troll.
The Billy goats have even helped us with some addition, subtraction and ordering in maths too.

Out in the sunshine, I bet the goats would prefer the lovely green field on the left hand side, rather than the sandy one on the right.

We have been working on a new concept in maths today, halving.  The Numicon has helped us to see how to share numbers into halves and identify those that do and those that do not.

Congratulations to Amelia this week, our Golden Book winner for super independent writing in class.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember, Monday is bank holiday.