Tuesday 15 May 2018

Week Beginning 14.5.2018

Here comes The Little Red Hen.
Most children were alredy familiar with the story and had lots to say about the lazy rat, dog and cat...

A handprint of the little red hen.
 In PE we carried on with traditional games and enjoyed a fun filled session of Piggy in the Middle and Stuck in the Mud.

'Arms up, get ready, throw!!'

'Jump high!'
In phonics we have been learning split diagraphs and here is a word building activity: i-e as in like.

Outside this week we have had some rather spectacular visitors to our bug hotel, we saved this from being run over by the children and watched it for a while...
 We could see lots of details using our magnifying glasses, then we noticed its wings starting to open, it climbed up onto the top of a pine cone and whoosh, off it went.
To continue our work on The Little Red Hen this week we introduced the children to P4C (Philosophy for Children)
Given the choice of two questions, the children first vote to pick the one they wish to discuss, this is decided by the majority and then discussions start.
 This was the winning question for discussion.

'I agree, she should have eaten all of the bread as she had to make it all by herself.'

'Well I disagree because she eats all of the bread she will get a fat tummy, so she should share.'

 Boris the spider was our speaking object which is passed round while the children speak, this way only one person is talking at any one time.
Finally we return to our original question and vote again, following the discussions have people changed their minds? or they have stayed the same?
Our conclusion; 5 of us thought that YES she should have eaten the bread all by herself.
Finally we couldn't finish our learning on the Little Red Hen until we had created our own yummy bread rolls to take home for tea.
Thanks to Mrs Kett for cooking them for us.
Congratulations to Draedyn, our Golden Book winner today for being so busy in class everyday and for being a kind and caring friend.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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