Friday 11 May 2018

Despite the fact that it has been a shorter week than usual we have still managed to fit plenty in.

Lots of independent writing during our phonics sessions and those 'tricky words' are finally becoming less tricky.

Outside in the sunshine we had to check how are beans were growing after not being looked after for three days over the weekend.  They are really growing quickly now so we filled in the next instalment of our bean diary.

We have a forthcoming fundraiser coming up with the WI so we had a walk out to deliver leaflets around the village to let everyone know that they are welcome.

Children should have all bought their own leaflets home this week with the information you need.
 Some of the crossings were very busy so we wasted no time remembering our road code making sure that everyone crossed safely and sensibly.
 Hmm, I wonder who lives here?  Will they come to the tea party?

Miss Welby and Mrs Webb along with a helping hand from Mr Knights have been busy in the outdoor area and our stage area is now beginning to take shape nicely.  We just need to add an edge to finish it off.
Watch this space...
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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