Friday 23 February 2018

Week Beginning 19th February 2018

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term! We hope you have had a good one and enjoyed the glorious weather.
We have started the new term with a story written by Tony Mitton: 'Down by the Cool of the Pool'.
Children listened to the story and worked on remembering the characters and their actions.
Take a peek:

"I can dance  but not like you, said the sheep. I can stamp!"

"I can dance but not like you, said the duck. I can flap"
During our yoga session children have worked on improving their favourite 'Cobra Pose'.  Just as the snake changes, we are constantly changing and transforming ourselves.  This pose is a great way to build upper body strength.

Shoulders down, neck long...

Palms stay on the ground.....

...and keep on breathing!
In maths we compared two set of objects and used the language of more and fewer. We picked two domino's tiles and placed them in the correct column.


We had a musical end to the week this week, following the introduction to a Glockenspiel, we decided to have a go ourselves...

Some of us made our own music using the magnetic letters to create a tune.  Others challenged ourselves to play Old MacDonald that Miss Welby had put on the board.
We also enjoyed listening to our new stories on CD.
Some messy play, what fun a tub of gloop can be...
 'Look you can pick it up and then it melts.'

Congratulations to Martha our Golden Book winner this week for such an improvement in your writing.  We have loved seeing how busy you have been at home too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, don't forget if you can save milk bottles, plastic wrappers, plastic lids and yoghurt pots for next Friday we would be very grateful.

Friday 9 February 2018

Week Beginning 5th February

'Kung Hei Fat Choi’ everyone! In other words 'Happy New Year...again although this time  we are talking about the one in China.

A happy new year in Chinese writing too...

Great job children!
This week has been an exciting one learning about a different culture and traditions.
Take a look at the work we have put into this celebration:
We have made some lovely bright lanterns to wish all a bright future.

Chinese numbers anyone?

Check out our new yoga pose: The Cobra Snake

Of course we are still keeping a close eye on the weather and update our weather chart regularly and since we had another sprinkle of snow we made the most by dancing in the snow and catching a few flakes here and there....

'Wow, look at this ice - it's sharp and cold'.
We continued our learning journey in maths and worked on measuring lengths accurately using cubes. We then compared the lengths of each dragons and worked out which one was the longest, shortest and middle sized.

Back to Chinese New Year and we couldn't resist trying our own Dragon Dance after reading the book in English.  We took it in turns to be the leader using our own dragon masks and managed to cooperate fantastically to move and turn without any bumps.
Synchronised feet!
Finally to end the week, we couldn't forget he fact that we are not in school for Pancake Day so thought we had better bring it forward a couple of days.  We made a perfect batter and then enjoyed eating our very own pancakes. 
Also a whole school house point pancake relay.
Great team work from all

Have a fantastic rest next week and enjoy your half term, don't forget you have your tricky word challenge in your book bags if you want to impress us when you return after half term.

Friday 2 February 2018

Week Beginning 29.1.2018

Ever wondered how water gets to your home?
This week we have learnt about the incredible journey of water.....from reservoir, lake or river to a treatment plant and after more treatments it travels all the way to our homes.
Have a look at some of the maps children made:

Some of us checked our water gauges outdoor and we were all very surprised to noticed how much rainfall we have had at the weekend.

'We could measure it with scoops'

'Wow! I've got lts of water in mine!'

'Look at this one!'

'How are we going to empty it?'
We also set ourselves a challenge to see how many drops of water we could fit on a one penny coin. Most of us got to about 20 drops...


'That's how many drops I could fit on my coin'.
As for yoga we practised the tricky candle pose and learnt a new positions: The Air Walk.
It felt like we were walking on air....upside down!


 More measuring in Maths as the week continued and we spent time completing independent challenges such as ordering stones from largest to smallest.
We then spent time investigating rolling cars down tubes to see how far they travel.  Some of us decided to investigate whether you can make the car travel further by increasing the steepness of the slope and some of us decided to leave the slope and just see which car travelled the greatest distance.
 Our equipment...
A great way of recording the distance each car travelled...
Finally ordering the cars, starting with the one that travelled the greatest distance to the one that travelled the smallest distance.