Friday 28 June 2019

Week Beginning 24th June 2019

Another week has gone by and what a lot of things we have achieved.
We have continued to work on the weather and during the these sessions children practiced asking about the weather, looking at the sky for clues and describing the weather. We now have a small weather station in the classroom.
We looked at the weather forecast online most days and learnt to read a weather map.
'It's going to be sunny where we live!'

'I think this is wrong, it's not going to snow'.

We made some lovely rainbow umbrellas to go with the topic.

And whilst all of that was going on, the toolbox came out of the cupboard and all the children had the chance to use the tools safely and 'build' something.

'This is a bit tricky'.

'I have to be careful not to hurt my fingers'.

Some of us took inspiration from the weather topic and made a cloud with nails.

'I need to paint it now because it is going to be a thunderstorm cloud'.

Elsewhere our love for our skill of independent writing continues all around Class 1.

Well done everyone.

To conclude our weather work we have been busy making these colourful wind socks...

Hope fully hanging by the window, the wind will catch them.

Congratulations to Jake, our Golden Book winner this week for settling so well into Class 1.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine.

Friday 21 June 2019

Week Beginning 17th June

'On the Same Day in March' is a lovely book that takes the reader around the world to discover how different the weather is around the world. 
After reading the story we discussed some of the places the children would like to visit and why. Surprisingly quite a few of them would love to visit Antarctica so they could stroke polar bears and get to spend time with penguins. 

Inspired by the weather discussions we have had in class one, some of the children built a shelter from the sun or as they called it 'A place to cool down'.

We created two contrasting part of the world in our small world area and noticed how different the colours are. 'Blue and white because it's snowy and cold'and 'The brown is hot'.

We had a busy afternoon melting chocolate and mixing ingredients to make a delicious chocolate bark. 

Meanwhile in our fantasy world Batman's big brother and daddy were there busy looking after a baby. 'Let's give him some milk, he might be hungry. We need to find a milk bottle'.

We have been trying to 'cement' our number knowledge of those tricky teens numbers this week, thinking about how to identify the number, how to count that many of something and how to represent it with Numicon.

We also continued our topic work based around the weather and created some wonderful sun catcher type stain glass windows for our classroom windows.

The children have worked incredibly hard this week to complete their very first set of assessment papers in maths and reading, this is a skill which they will need as they make their transition into Class 2, as it will be something they complete more regularly.

Everybody approached the task in a calm and collected manner and should feel very proud of all of their knowledge and skills that they confidently used to complete the papers. Well done.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 14 June 2019

Week Beginning 10th June 2019

This week we have carried on working on 'The Snail and the Whale' book.
When we came to school on Monday we had some special visitors spending the day with us: The Snails family....
'The shell is hard'.

''This one here is very small, it must be the baby'

'It's looking around with its eyes!'

 'Aww!! Look at the tiny baby snail. We can touch that one as we might hurt it'.

 'It's leaving a trail on my hand look!'

'It tickles!'

At the end of the day we put the snails outside and left them to go back to their home. 'Bye bye snails, come back soon'. 

After a good hand wash we enjoyed making our very own salt dough snails.

And in no time we had loads of lovely shells..

They are now waiting to dry and they'll soon be ready to be decorated.

Children had the chance to look at sea shells too, observe and felt the different textures and looked closely at their patterns.

'Look Mrs Storer I've made a pattern'.

In maths we learnt about positional language and spent time outside exploring the meaning of words like: next to, in front of, behind, beside etc. 
behind the bridge

In front of the bridge.

Beside the bridge.

We finished the maths at the end of the week by testing our understanding of position and direction.  Can we direct Bee Bot to the correct shell?

In phonics many of us are really working hard to learn the Phase 5 sounds...

We concluded our work on the Snail and the Whale with our first attempt at a Big Write, the whole class sat down together and wowed Miss Welby and Miss Pace.  Well done everyone for a super effort.

Friday afternoon, lots of us enjoyed a reading Share with our families.  Thanks to all who were able to come.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.