Friday 20 July 2018

Week beginning 16th July 2018

As we write our final blog post of this academic year, we cannot believe how the time has flown by. It only seems like yesterday when the children were coming in eager to start their first year of school. It has been an incredible year thanks to the wonderful children that we have had the pleasure to teach. We are so proud of the progress the children have made both academically and personally.
Well done everyone!!

We have had a busy week getting everything ready for our move as well as fitting in school traditions such as our whole school rounder's match and the end of term disco.

Reading bags and books have been collected in and passed to Mrs Flynn ready for September so the children will not be bringing them home.

There is no 'homework' for the holidays the children deserve a well earned rest however if you do want things to do....

* Continue to share stories.
* Play number games.
* Look at the Year 1 word list at the back of the reading diaries.
* Keep a diary to share with Mrs Flynn in September.

We have had a lovely year in Class 1 and would like to thank all parents for their support during your children's time in Reception.
We look forward to watching the children's journey continue in September.
Have a lovely holiday everyone.
Best Wishes
Miss Welby, Mrs Storer, Mrs Webb and Mrs Cox.

Friday 13 July 2018

Week Beginning 9th July 2018

As you all know on Tuesday 10th July we went to the zoo, zoo, zoo.....
We had such  a lovely day observing all of the different animals and we had lots of fun exploring the different parts of Banham zoo. This visit sparked lots of questions and interesting discussions about various animals, where they come from and what they eat.
The children behaved so well and were a credit to our school. Well done!
On arrival we had a snack....

Can you spot the butterfly in the Eureka Oasis?
Off to the penguin cove to meet the black footed guests...

Meet Happy Feet.
Happy diving and happy children.
'It looks like they are flying!!'
The Big Cat from Sri Lanka got our attention too.

Giraffes!!!They can reach 5.5m in height!

And then it was lunch time...

We loved every moment spent at Banham zoo!

Have a happy weekend everyone. 

Friday 6 July 2018

Week Beginnig 2nd July 2018

What a busy week we have had!
Well done to Class One children for taking part with enthusiasm to their last transition morning. Their behaviour was exceptional and they had lots to talk about once back in Class One.

We took a look at our decaying apples and noticed they are both going brown and have lost their shiny peel.

'They feel a bit squishy but they still smell nice!'
'I think they will go all brown and squishy'.
We will find out what will happen to them by the end of term.
Thursday arrived and Ready, Steady Go... Sports Day!
Well done to Ruby for being such an excellent race starter.

Much fun was had by all and the children behaved fantastically and showed true sportsmanship. 
Friday and most of us opted to stay inside as we were all feeling tired and hot.
  One or two of us ventured out from time to time but even found ways to play things like ball games sitting down.

The rest of us kept busy in the shade of the classroom creating master pieces of all different sorts.


Everyone is getting very excited about our trip next Tuesday, hopefully it may be a little cooler than this week.

Have a fantastic weekend.