Friday 25 June 2021

 Week beginning 20.6.21

Another busy week in Class 1 this week, continuing our theme of the Forrest.  We looked at the book Into the Forest by Antony Browne and discussed all sorts of things... 

Similarities between that and Little Red Riding Hood.

Characters that we could see from other well known tales and of course...

Should the Little Boy have listened to his Mummy and gone round the forest instead of through it?

We put this to the vote and then did a wonderful speaking and listening exercise sharing our contributions.

We all decided that he had done the wrong thing, so took the time to share our thoughts about why this was.

In Maths this week we have enjoyed lots of measuring activities, comparing lengths and then actually measuring them with cubes or rulers.

In Phonics we have revisited our Split digraphs again to help remember how these change the short vowel to a long one.

Finally you may be wondering what the children have bought home with them this afternoon?
 We spent time in our writing sessions this week thinking about the part in the story where the Little Boy gets to where he opens the door and there in Granny's bed was... 
So with that in mind and some very tired Reception children, Greg had an idea to make a bed for himself.  This inspired the whole class to make their own paper bodies and beds with printed bed clothes.

Well done everyone
Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 11 June 2021

 Straight back to a busy week after our half term break this week in Class One...

We have enjoyed the text Freddie and the Fairy by Julia Donaldson and spent a lot of time learning about rhyming words, we even wrote our own verses using the text from the book.

We have used our outdoor area to create some fairy art and are currently observing what happens to them day by day as the materials we used begin to change.

In Maths we have spent the week learning about halving.... first we considered pictures and shapes before moving onto numbers, great work everyone.

The sun has well and truly been with us this week, many children still do not have sun hats in school, please make sure your child has a hat.  It's not just play times we are outside in Class 1, as we have continuous access to our outdoor area throughout the whole day.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.