Friday 27 May 2022

Week Beginning 23rd May 2022

Flash news...This will be our LAST blog here on the website for now as we are trialling a new App after half term, look out for details to follow.

We cannot believe this is our last week of term!! 

We have been reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. Needless to say we all enjoyed it.


Children wrote about some of their favourite characters and to our surprise they loved the piggy who built the brick house.
Take a look at some of the children's writing.....

'My house is the best'.

'Bricks are strong. He loves bricks'.

'The house is very strong. He is very clever'.

We just could not resist having a go ourselves at building houses, just like the three little pigs...

                                                Lego and stickle bricks....



What clever engineers!

Elsewhere we have enjoyed the usual variety of independent challenges throughout the course of the week.

 We have also been spending time finding out about the Platinum Jubilee and what is happening.

Look at these wonderful paper plate creations we have made to bring home and decorate our houses...

Have a wonderful half term everyone and enjoy your Jubilee celebrations.

Friday 20 May 2022

Week Beginning 16th May 2022

 Hello everyone. This week it's all about the 'Little Red Hen'.

After reading the story we talked about whether it was right for the animals to refuse to help the hen or if it was right for the hen  not to share the bread she baked. 
Children had mixed feelings about this one. 

Meanwhile by the mirror area children brought out their fun side with photo-booths props, take a look...

Who ever thought that a grain of wheat could look this fantastic?
What a creation.

In Maths this week we have been learning about measuring and shape, just look at these fantastic 2D shape pictures, can you spot all the different shapes used and name them?

My house, with trees and a car in the garden and the sun is shining.

Do you like my dog?

Our BOB session with Steve this week and we were back around the fire pit, children had all remembered the importance of staying safe at all times.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Friday 13 May 2022

Week Beginning 9th May 2022


This week Acorns class worked on another traditional tale: The Three Billy Goats. They want to cross the bridge to eat the lush green grass but a mean troll lives under the bridge and wants to eat them! The children got their heads together and build bridges for the goats to cross the river safely.
Take a look at the teams of engineers at work!

This bridge is a bit wobbly.
"This one is strong enough to hold the big goat!"
"This bridge is strong enough but it is a bit small"
"All of the goats can fit on this one"

"That is a very strong bridge"
Experimenting with different building materials...

Many of us have enjoyed retelling the story, using props and having fun changing our voices to take on different characters.

Some of us have enjoyed some lovely independent writing activities...Miss Welby look at all of these sounds I know!

Outside our tens frame work might like to try this at home.
Draw the frame and find anything to fill it... then using a dice, see who can be the first to empty their frame.

Some of us preferred the inside version of this challenge.

Our BOB was a whole school effort this week and after a lot of hard work and teamwork we now have a lovely bug hotel on our field.

What a busy week, have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Friday 6 May 2022

Week Beginning 2nd May 2022


A new week, a new story. This time it's Jack and the Beanstalk.
We read the story and talked about our favourite parts. We worked in small groups to practise our team working skills and act out a 'freeze frame' of our favourite parts.
Although team working proved a little challenging at times, the children got there in the end.

'Jack hides behind the giant's wife'. Please note the beanstalk standing tall.

Here we have a hen laying golden eggs and Jack hiding behind the Giant's wife. In the background the giant is coming in looking for Jack....

Well done everyone!!

In Maths this week we continue with 'teens' numbers...thinking about what makes 13, 16 etc?

Using our tens frames shows us how the number is composed e.g. 15 is a full ten and five of the next ten.

Our interest of all things Maths continues in our own time too, look at this super Numicon line Katie made...

We also planted our own seeds like Jack to see what happens.

A question?  How can you get Jack down from the Giant's castle if the Beanstalk is not  there...

''I know lets make him a parachute!'

We had great fun, designing, making and testing these.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.