Saturday 27 April 2019

Welcome back.... and what a lovely start we have had.

Our new topic; It's a Wonderful World has kicked off with looking at Where in the world we are in Wenhaston?

We have enjoyed looking at maps of our Class and the village.  We were very good at finding different places and while looking at the village map we discovered that we couldn't find any of the new houses on the map.

So Friday morning we set off to find where on the map they should be.

Then children put their new map skills into practice and we found the houses and then updated our map.

A super start back everyone, well done.

There is a selection of Artwork at The Halesworth Gallery this weekend, if you would like to go and visit.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday 5 April 2019

Week Beginning 1.4.2019

We have ended our term with the story of Easter. Some children were able to talk about what happened to Jesus and why we celebrate Easter.
Children did really well at expressing their opinions about this story. 

'Jesus was a nice person and it was not fair what they did to him'.

Lots of the activities have been based on Easter and Spring. Children created lovely patterns on eggs. 

Our Spring tray was very popular. 

'We are making up the story with Peter Rabbit'

Outdoor children printed egg patterns with our potato masher 

'It looks like Egyptian writing'

Team effort in the sun shine. 'We did this together' 

'I'm building a house and this is a computer for the mummy'

Some of us enjoyed an Easter reading activity on the computer. 

Wednesday bought a miserable rainy day so we had to think of ways to use up some of our energy....'I know lets build an assault course!'  
 'I'll be Mr Sanders and show you what to do...follow me'

We were so busy we didn't even notice how wet it was. We also decided to keep the course in place for the remainder of the week.

Back inside and we needed a way to warm up so we made a bed big enough for everyone to get in.

A special treat on Thursday, thank you to George's Mummy for bringing the Hot Cross Buns from George's Grandads bakery, they were delicious!

Not to be out done, we decided that perhaps we should make and bake our own Hot Cross Buns to take home too.

What with that and the kind gift of an egg from the ladies at the church we had plenty of treats to take home

Finally to end the term, Class 1's first experience of a Wenhaston tradition....Egg Rolling on the common!!!! The pictures say it all...

Finally all that is left to say is, have a wonderful Easter holiday everyone.

Advanced warning some of the children's artwork will be displayed in Halesworth at the art exhibition in April, more details to follow after the holidays.