Friday 9 October 2020

Week Beginning 5th October 2020

 Welcome back everyone. Another week has gone by in Class 1....

We started off as usual with a new pose in yoga. This time we practised the CRAB pose.

Pretend you are at the beach. Sit on the golden sand with your legs bent and your arms behind your back. Lean back and lift your body off the ground. Can you walk sideways keeping your body off the ground? 

We have learnt new sounds and had a go at sorting objects according to their initial sounds

Can you spot the odd objects?

In Maths, we have been working hard too secure number names and their values...

Elsewhere we have found time to enjoy various free choice activities too.

We finished the week with a VERY exciting playtime, we went to the area where we usually ride the bikes and scooters and found that a hedgehog had come to visit.

Thankfully, Mrs Flynn was able to  come and lend a hand and we managed to pop it under the boundary fence and send him off on his way.

Much as we'd have loved a pet hedgehog in Class 1, we knew that this wasn't the right thing to do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing Greg has said about today is that you all saw a hedgehog and it was very exciting. Great end to the week 😂
