Friday 29 March 2019

Wb 25.3.19

Goldilocks and the Three Bears have come to visit Class 1 this week and what a busy time they have had too.

I think probably all of the children were familiar with the text and enjoyed reading aloud with the grown up's in class throughout the week...

We then used our knowledge of the text in lots of different areas of learning

Making porridge for the bears; estimating and measuring how many cups to fill each of the bowls.

A hot seating activity, taking on the role of one of the characters and asking questions about how and why things happened.

A thinking skills problem; can you make or find or build the three chairs or the three beds for the three bears?
'Well that easy just take a chair and stack them up bigger for Mummy and even bigger for Daddy'

'I've just made Lego chairs for the whole family.'

In amongst all of our planned activities the children have been very creative in their own ideas... They made a cinema in class.

This is the screen...

We are making the pictures for the people to watch the film.

There was even a written advert for the picture...

The children set up seats and made tickets that even have to have the side ripped off so that you couldn't return without paying for another seat.
Wow! What fantastic thinking and lovely social interaction, well dopne everyone.

Friday afternoon and we welcomed lots of parents, grandparents and siblings for another reading share.

Lovely to see you all.

Finally its Congratulations to Leighton, our Golden Book winner again today for making lots of new friends and having a super week.


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